Department of Mechanical Engineering










Make the World Move with a Mechanical Engineering Degree from Kettering

At Kettering University, our Department of Mechanical Engineering knows that well-trained, 具有机械工程学位的好奇心和创新精神的人受到全球各种公司和组织的高度追捧.

我们的未来需要有证书和实践培训的机械工程师,他们需要更快地设计, smarter and more cost- and fuel-efficient machines. As a mechanical engineering major at Kettering, we can help you gain the knowledge and experience you need to do just that.

No matter which of our mechanical engineering programs you choose, from our bachelor’s to master’s in mechanical engineering, our small class sizes, cutting-edge research labs, co-op programs 动手学习的机会会让你在就业市场上具有竞争优势. 

Our unique learning-while-doing approach, paired with our classroom work in our mechanical engineering program and beyond, consistently earns our spot among the nation’s top-ranked programs by U.S. News & World Report.


Future-Focused, Design-Driven: Kettering’s Mechanical Engineering Programs

Whether you’d like to pursue a bachelor’s or master’s in mechanical engineering, 我们的机械工程系为您提供机械工程专业或研究生课程.

Mechanical Engineering

As a mechanical engineering major at Kettering, you’ll learn to design, build and test mechanical, dynamic and energy systems and more in our top-notch labs. 在我们众多的机械工程专业中获得一个学位,将帮助您为在可再生能源等新兴行业的令人兴奋和有益的职业生涯做好准备, bioengineering and lean manufacturing.

Degrees and Programs Degree type
Alternative Energy
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Automotive Engineering Design
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Bachelor's/Master's Degrees Pathway
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Bachelor Master Online Master
Bioengineering Applications
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Machine Design & Advanced Materials
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Bachelor Master

About the Department of Mechanical Engineering

Through the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Kettering, 你不仅会了解物体和系统的运动-你会有很多动手设计的机会, build and analyze them, too. 

At Kettering, 我们机械工程学位的课程作业和体验式学习机会是无与伦比的. 我们的机械工程项目在培养优秀人才方面有着悠久的历史. 加入我们成功校友的行列,充分利用凯特林的机会和学生社区.

Co-op model

Gain real-life, 在你获得机械工程学位的过程中,有工作经验和实践你所学到的东西. As early as your first year at Kettering, 你将在课堂上学习课程,并与我们的合作伙伴一起在实地工作时应用你所学到的知识, such as Coca-Cola, Dow, General Motors and Kawasaki Motors — to name just a few. 

Student competition teams

当你在攻读机械工程学士学位或硕士学位时, 你将有机会加入志同道合的学生组成的团队,并在全国范围内的挑战和比赛中与其他大学较量, from combat robotics to the Shell Eco-marathon.

Society of Automotive Engineer teams

通过开发自动驾驶汽车,将您的课堂教育应用于机械工程, formula cars, and more. 凯特林的学生团队包括Autodrive、f1、Mini Baja、Clean Snowmobile和Aerodesign.

State-of-the-art labs

从你在凯特林的第一周开始,你将在我们的研究实验室中应用和培养你的技能. As a mechanical engineering major, you’ll learn and work in our e-Design and e-Manufacturing Studio, Energy Systems Lab, Crash Safety Center, Advanced Engine Research Lab, 电装国际动力系统设计工作室和燃料电池系统和动力总成中心.






Learn Mechanical Engineering in State-of-the-Art Labs

As a mechanical engineering major, you’ll learn and work in our cutting-edge labs starting in your first week. 您将在机械工程课程中应用课堂概念的实验室包括:


Top-notch Mechanical Engineering Programs with Expert Faculty

At Kettering, 我们的教师致力于帮助像你这样的学生在机械工程领域建立具有挑战性和回报丰厚的职业生涯. In our mechanical engineering programs, 你将在小班授课的教室里向目前正在研究能源系统的教师学习, orthopedic biomechanics, computational biomechanics, automobile body structure design, crash analysis and other innovative concepts.

无论你选择哪个机械工程专业或机械工程硕士学位, 在凯特林,你会从著名的教师与无数的专业领域学习. 我们的大多数教师都在各自的领域获得了最高学位,并专注于各个领域, 从汽车车身结构设计和碰撞分析到发展中国家的水收集和过滤技术.


Free Your Mind: Student Life for Mechanical Engineering Majors

As you pursue your mechanical engineering degree at Kettering, 你将有很多机会在课堂和实验室之外通过许多俱乐部和组织与你的同龄人联系, including: 

  • The Green Engineering Organization: Interested in green energy and environmental stewardship? 绿色工程组织可能适合你——不管你是否在我们的机械工程项目中追求可替代能源的集中. 该组织致力于提高凯特林学生的环保意识和尽责领导能力, 员工和教职员工在校园和周边地区实施环保措施.
  • KARO: 在凯特林航空航天和火箭组织(KARO),天空是极限。. 如果你正在攻读机械工程学位,为地面或天空设计和建造车辆, 您将了解更多关于飞机-特别是火箭-通过各种活动和比赛作为这个组织的一部分.
  • Kettering Entrepreneur Society: Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? 凯特林企业家协会在校园倡导以创新和社会价值观为基础的创业文化. No matter which mechanical engineering program you choose, joining this society will provide you with membership networking, mentoring and opportunities for developing an entrepreneurial mindset.
  • SAGE: Formerly Engineers Without Borders, 全球工程学生协会(SAGE)是与机械工程专业及其他领域志同道合的学生建立联系和合作的绝佳途径.

Financial Aid for Department of Mechanical Engineering Programs

At Kettering, 我们致力于通过各种渠道帮助你资助你的教育, including paid job experience through our co-op programs, scholarships, grants, loans and more.

Among other scholarship and grant opportunities, 在机械工程系学习的学生可能有资格获得Patricia和Armen Oumedian工程奖学金. 这个1000美元的奖金由大急流城社区基金会赞助. To be eligible, you must meet certain criteria: You must be a full-time student at Kettering or transferring here from Grand Rapids Community College; reside in West Michigan or work for a West Michigan Kettering University Co-op employer; demonstrate financial need; and hold a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Discover Where a Mechanical Engineering Degree Can Lead You

开始您的旅程,朝着您梦想的工程事业或了解更多正规赌博十大网站的机械工程项目是否适合您. Request more information or apply today.

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